I think I may know what Jesus feels like.
I'm at a meeting right now that is going to produce a lot of work tonight, and the later this meeting goes on, the longer I will have to be up tonight. Currently I'm already looking to almost an all nighter as we have a meeting on Friday that materials are due for. I'm trying to keep a positive attitude (per my previous post), but this meeting is somewhat maddening. It's like the world is ending and I am the only one who knows about it. Everyone is enjoying themselves talking in these meetings, we just had a great lunch in an awesome cafeteria, we took a tour of this campus with a gym, basketball courts, running trails, etc. It's a beautiful day and I'm screaming at the top of my lungs, "don't you understand? The world is about to end. There's so much that we need to do." But no one will listen.
I wonder if that's how Jesus feels when He looks at us, not caring or focusing on the eternal. "Don't you understand? You're sitting around, idly. I'm coming soon. You need to get serious, because when it hits you're not going to have anymore time. You need to get started focusing now. Time is running out..."
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