Thursday, August 18, 2005


Father, I want to be Your Disciple.
I will do anything You ask of me.
(Except that. I won't do that.)

Father, I want to be Your messenger.
I will go anywhere You tell me.
(Except there. I won't go there.)

Lord, I want to be Your Pastor.
I will tell them anything Your word says.
(Except this. You can't expect me to tell them this.)

Lord, I want to be Your Evangelist.
I will share You with anyone You put in my way.
(Except him. You know I can't talk to him.)

God, I want to be Your Teacher.
I will teach them all to be Your disciples.

(Except me.)

1 comment:

Laura said...

love it. sounds familiar.

at some point, you gotta be honest about the difference between what you are saying and what you really mean in your head.

call me Chris! I want to talk to you!